NostradmsX is the pseudonym I started using way back during the prominence of AOL and Yahoo. I have varying genesis stories associated with this pseudonym.

No_Str_A = Altruism

It all started when I took probono projects and started using “no_str_a” (no strings attached) as signature and AOL account username. I later dropped the underscores and preferred being called “nostra”. Back then, I offered to create websites, graphic arts, and pamphlets for bands, churches, and non-profits. In return, I asked for permission to include my works for project submissions in school. So, I guess it is not entirely altruistic, but “enabling” people and businesses using technology became an ideal.

La Cosa Nostra

Another genesis story relates to my passion for reading fictional and non-fictional books about the Italian organized criminal syndicate known as “La Cosa Nostra”, or the Mafia. I wrote essays on the Corleones, the Gambinos and even the Sopranos in highschool. Those essays were not in any shape or form about crimes, but more about cultural, social and even political commentary.


My affinity to the works and character of the french seer Michel de Nostredame “Nostradamus” prompted me to append the DMSX to NOSTRA. I changed my username and email accounts to nostradmsX. The “X” at the end was for aesthetics only. It is not about pure mysticism, the divine, or astrological arramgement of stars, but acting on gut feeling. I adapted a lifestyle of habits and routines, but I made sure to do some things unexpected to break out of the monotonous, cyclic aspect of life. Being too calculated and too careful make you miss out on opportunities.

nostradmsX as a The Tech Futurist

My attitude to look beyond the ordinary may have started when I tried to research on some of Nostradamus’s works. Eventually, I succumb to letting the future reveal itself. When it comes to technology, NostradmsX often wears the hat of a futurist. With enough reverence to the work of others and the sensitivity to the needs I see around me, I try to anticipate and create technological artifacts that can assist others.

Some Relevant Links:

  1. Wiki about Nostradamus