WARNING: This blog may contain some raw and unfiltered thoughts. I do try to refine and present my ideas as succinct as I can, but forgive me if I fail in doing so. The pages of this blog contain topics ranging from:

  • Administration
  • Data Science
  • Programming
  • Computer Security
  • Web Development
  • Personal/Opinions

History of my Pseudonyms:

“Be like water ..” - Bruce Lee:

As an entrepreneur, I constantly reinvent my branding strategies to remain fresh and relevant. NostradmsX Designs and Redbox Designs were offered products and services related to web development. DMSX Solutions and Journey in Learning helped with social media marketing, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), branding, datascraping, sentiment analysis, and social media administration. Lastly, Journey in Learning and Privasecurity pushed to advance issues relating to inclusive learning, assistive technology, privacy, computer security and others.

Also, as a perpetual learner and technology tinker, I enrolled in some MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) in order to remain relevant in the IT industry. I created course reviews and tutorials to help other learners like me.

I try to disassociate my professional work from my personal projects. Doing paid and Pro Bono projects in order to utilize what I learned not only provides an opportunity to show people what I know, but also help others while helping myself build on practical experience and test out concepts. Developing products and actually rolling them out in production is as important as catching up on what is trending or the hottest new programming language to learn.

Security, anonymity, and privacy needs prompted me to create other pseudonyms, such as Radyouloroy, Andyroid, and others in order to compartmentalize the various IT disciplines I dabble into without compromising my private life.


You can find out more about me at https://roylouisgarcia.github.io/portfolio/.